Dec 29, 2022
I had an experience the other day when my buddies and I went out for dinner. We saw an attractive woman, and I used it as an opportunity to understand what was going on inside my body as a result of seeing her.
Most people would call the sensation I felt lust. I would too, until I started paying attention to what was...
Dec 22, 2022
Most of the people who have come to a Freedom Specialist retreat—myself included—have had one thing in common:
Their biggest fear is a lack of control. But this fear itself dupes you into subconsciously sabotaging everything you value in your life. It’s why relationships fall apart. It’s why you can’t get...
Dec 15, 2022
Salvation, enlightenment, and bliss. These are the experiences everyone craves. We want the 40 lb backpack of despair, addiction, and trauma lifted off our shoulders, so we can start living life to the fullest again.
But how do you get there?
A lot of people think the answer is tucked away in a small pocket of the...
Dec 8, 2022
Imagine you have a battery attached to your body. Everything you do—from eating food and working to driving and watching TV—either drains your battery or recharges it.
Most people unknowingly do activities which drain the very life source from them without ever asking if those activities are worth draining their...
Dec 1, 2022
Confronting your beliefs about life is one of the most difficult (and rewarding) things you can do. Nobody likes being wrong, let alone admitting their wrong.
But what if your beliefs—whether in God, addiction, or trauma—are wrong? And what if admitting your wrong opens up a new possibility for life itself? One...